Through its Social Dialogue, Labour Law and Labour Administration activities, the ILO promotes an integrated approach to these key components of labour market and workplace governance by providing services that:
strengthen legal frameworks, institutions, machinery and processes of tripartite and bipartite social dialogue and promote sound industrial relations at national, sectoral, enterprise and sub-regional levels;
increase the number of member States which base their labour laws and other employment-related legislation on ILO standards and advice and use a tripartite consultative process in the preparation of such legislation;
strengthen labour administrations in their policy-making capacity, in their role in the implementation of decent work policies and the enforcement of labour laws;
assist member States to establish and strengthen labour courts, industrial tribunals and dispute resolution mechanisms so that individual and collective disputes are dealt with efficiently, effectively and equitably;
integrate gender into all aspects of social dialogue, labour law and labour administration;
increase the participation of employers' and workers' organisations in economic and social policy-making in regional or sub-regional groupings and enhance links with relevant international institutions.
Contact: Jane Hodges
Address: Social Dialogue, Labour Law and Labour Administration Department (DIALOGUE), International Labour Office, 4, route des Morillons, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 799 7035 E-Mail: [email protected]